310 BASEBALL Spring 2021 Evaluations are here!
Baseball players Grade 3-9 in the South Bay are invited to tryout for 310 BASEBALL Spring 2021.
What the program includes:
- Weekly Practices (1-2 times per week) (Redondo/Torrance/South Bay Areas)
- Local Scrimmages when play returns.
- Monthly Local/Away Tournaments (Expect travel whether within neighboring counties or out-of-state)
Our evaluations are scheduled to be on January 23rd.
Location and Time: Torrance Batting Cages, 10:00 AM -12:00 Noon
If you are interested in the program, please CONTACT US for a PLAYER INFORMATION FORM. Deadline for sign-up forms are Sunday, January 17th.
Please note: This is not a organization for recreational baseball. 310 BASEBALL is a organization for competitive play. Evaluation participation does not guarantee admission to the program. Players who are selected will receive notification within the week after evaluations.